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文章来源:综合整理 作者:梁曉明 发布时间:2009-10-20 15:47:20 点击数:


 玻  璃
 刺骨錐心的疼痛, 我咬緊牙關
 I put my palm on the sharp edge of glass,
 I press my palm down
 I push my palm along the broken edge
 deeply forward
 I clench my teeth to the piercing pains
 As crimson red blood drips down
 Along the sharp edge of broken glass
 I push my palm further and further
 I watch my palm moving slowly
 along the sharp edge of the glass
 Steeling myself, I push my palm to the end
 Flesh of my palm splits open
 white flesh and white bone
 Purity is hereby laid open
 (Tr. by Hai An & Denis Mair)


 各  人
 You and I each hold our own cups
 We each drink our own tea
 We smile at each other
 And nod with elegance
 We are quite hygienic
 Each person speaks of his own affairs
 Each person counts on his own fingers
 Each person expresses an opinion
 Each person comes away with an opinion
 And finally they go their own way
 In the doorway we shake hands
 Each looking at the other’s eyes
 At the head of the stairs
 If you are going first
 I wave to you
 Say come again
 If I am going first
 You wave at me
 Say don’t hurry
 And we each
 Pull on our own parkas
 If rain is falling
 We run off in our own directions
 (Tr. by Denis Mair)


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