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文章来源:综合整理 作者:王寅 发布时间:2009-10-20 16:07:08 点击数:


 午  後
 an autumn afternoon so fine
 sunlight spreads across my paper softly like a grassy field
 hard to believe that night could come
 and bonfires burn, and people mourn the falling stars
 you sit across from me
 the sky-blue cover of your book revealed
 your temples going gray
 sunlight between your fingers turning bright red
 I love this afternoon
 so I eat a whole orange
 and just sit here
 with you across from me
 while all the people at my side
 on the printed page
 and in the wide street
 shimmer and shiver


 walking into his room
 backlit profiles in silhouette
 the men look up at you
 smiles against that dark background
 are like the blue moon in the north
 the women and their husbands
 still keep their heads buried in drafts
 the scent of birch bark
 the cat’s watching you too
 harp like a clump of sunflowers
 the books clean with no trace of dust
 breath of ice-cubes
 flowing water passes countless places
 wind skims over the water
 like the cries of birds
 their startled eyes
 glimmer with a hint of light
 like tools, like teeth
 feathers falling on trees by the icy bank

(Tr. by Andrea Lingenfelter)


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